Without it I would never be able to watch the new Fall shows that are starting up as we speak.
There is one alternative to TiVo. A lot of the major stations have On Demand on their websites. This lets you watch the show in pieces at your convenience. So if you forget to TiVo you got a back up.
Here are some new shows worth checking out:
Aliens in America (CW) Monday, October 1 - It may be about High School, but it reminds all of us about racism and what has happened in our past. Its seems like a great little pick me up!
Pushing Daisies (ABC) Wednesday, October 3 - A love story where "lovers" can't touch? Ha, college kids couldn't last. The cinematography seems worthy of viewing as well.
Grey’s Anatomy lover’s watch out, our favorite redhead is back in a spin off of our favorite Surgens. Private Practice (ABC) Wednesday, September 26
Women’s Murder Club (ABC) Friday, October 12 - I may be into this kinda stuff but four powerful Women, that are great role models. That's a first, and doing men's jobs! Not to mention it's the first series from the acclaimed author James Patterson.
And not to mention some oldies:
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) Thursday, September 27
House (FOX) Tuesday, September 25
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"30 Rock" is a GREAT show.
Private Practice is going to flop all over the place.
And if you miss shows, you can always catch up by renting the Season DVDs at Blockbuster/NetFlix.
what about HEROES! if you arent watching that or havent watched the past season you must tune in it is on Mon. NBC at 9pm
OMG! People who have no lives watch TV constantly. Please PLEASE write something that is important. Who cares about TV? Do you know we have a war going on? Nuclear crises? How about a presidential election? Do you care about anything with substance or do you just idolize all the entertainment superstars you write about so much that all you can think to write about is them? Yes, "30 Rock" is great (I've never seen an episode), and so is Heroes and nip tuck and house, and all those other shows I've never seen. Bless you Jamie, but stop having fun with your blog and write something serious. I know you're capable... at least I'd like to believe so.
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