Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bye Bye MTV

As if MTV wasn’t headed in a downward spiral already due to the lack of – what's that term again, oh right – music videos, the Video Music Awards this past Sunday planted MTV firmly underground.

I remember when MTV actually played music videos for the majority of the day - like 10 years ago. I would wait and wait just to get a glimpse of my favorite video at that time. I understand that there is the internet now and that YouTube is man's best friend, but I want my Music Television back!

If you haven’t heard yet (which, if you haven’t, you must be living in a hole), Britney Spears opened the show with the worst lip-syncing job I have ever witnessed - not to mention her body was stiff as a board, showcasing that show her dance skills have gone down the drain as well as her reputation.

What ever happened to the good ol' days, when Madonna came out in a wedding gown and groped the floor, or even the infamous Brit-Madonna kiss?

Now MTV consists of mostly reality TV. I admit, I loved the show “Next” but come on! How many forms of “Laguna Beach” can we really have on the same station?

I can honestly say I haven’t watched MTV since high school, which was almost three years ago. On the rare chance that I do have a minute to watch TV, my music station of choice has moved to Fuse. They are a Canadaian station that has a huge following here in America. They play more rock and indie music videos, with a mix of some popular stuff. It's a good alternative to MTV.

I guess all that’s left to say is R.I.P. MTV. You were good once, and maybe you can make a better comeback than Britney.

Britney, Christina, and Madonna


Anonymous said...

whine whine whine

Anonymous said...

Jamie... I respect what you're trying to do with your blog and your coverage as the "multimedia editor" of the UP. That undoubetdly is a big position to fill.

My concern, though, is your lack of diversity in your coverage. Please listen to what I have to say, as it may make you a better journalist.

First, you only seem to cover what interests you personally. This week it was MTV and Brittany Spears... I can honestly say that I personally could care less about either, but that's not the point.

You have written about Fall Out Boy, the Goo Goo dolls, Good Charlotte and other bands that are identifiable as pop rock. Your coverage of MTV falls under pop culture.

I think you are discriminating against some of the other less recognized musical artists and aspects of culture that are out there.

For someone who seems to love covering music, you cease to cover other bands, and especially other genres of music.

You have to understand that if you are going to be a journalist, you will not have the choice of what band you want to cover or not cover... that will be up to your editor or the powers that be at your journalistic institution.

I am personally not a fan of any of the bands you have so far written about (I like hip hop), and I wonder why you never cover anything hip hop related... do you just not like it? If so, that's fine, but it's not acceptable from a journalistic point of view.

As a journalist, your goal is not to be a cheerleader for the people you like, and not to be a critic, or as you've been, simply ignorant of the other genres of music that are out there.

If it's a matter of a simple lack of interest on your part, I feel seriously discriminated against.

I wish you would diversify your coverage of music as it would make your blog and the site not only more credible, but also more interesting and appealing to the masses.

It seems like you're trying to advance your own agenda, and while it might seem enticing to help you get a job when you leave school, believe me when I say, you will not have the luxury of writing about only the bands that you like once you're finished with college.

I wish you would change the way you approach your blog, and I assure you that if you do so your readership and comments will go through the roof.

Please consider this as I'm only trying to help you.

Anonymous said...

Why is there so little FAU entertainment in the FAU entertainment column?

What's going on here on-campus? What is Program Board doing this week (and every week)? What are clubs doing this week (and every week)?

FAU students miss out on a lot of campus life stuff because they never hear about anything going on or they hear about it too late.

You know what would be great? flat screen TVs in the buildings (Breezeway cafe, GS, AL) that scrolled through on-campus events. That way we could see what was going on. Installing them should be relatively cheap... we can strike a deal with Office Depot!