Times haven’t changed that much.
Last week, I was at a show for The Honorary Title, who was one of the three opening acts. The main band – which came on three hours after doors opened - was a happy pop-rock band called The Format.
The Honarary Title was the band preceding them, and fans were way too anxious - so anxious that the masses of people started talking through the Honorary Title’s set.
Now, as a “celebrity,” what do you do? Do you keep playing and hope for the best? Do you say something? Or do you just get off stage?
Well, lead singer Jarrod Gorbel put up with the roar of people until he began to sing a heart felt acoustic piece (and I do mean heartfelt – there were moments where he was so emotional that I thought we was going to breakdown on stage). Gorbel yelled mid-song for the crowd to just “shut up” and listen, informing people that their set would be over soon enough.
Should I even mention that the mindless people kept talking?
What I don’t understand is disrespecting opening acts. People see someone singing their heart out – literally – and they talk through it? At least go outside.
Even better: Come just for the headliner.
Maybe it is just the youth of America with the attention span of a newborn, but nothing has changed in over 40 years. Maybe it’s time – or maybe not – but it all depends on how many people actually care solely about the music.
I know I’ve stood through numerous bands that have totally bombed, but I never ruined their set. I see it as an anticipation builder – it adds to the joys of concert going.
Anyway, THT are a pretty decent band, definitely “checkout” worthy, but they’re no Hendrix.
Monkees Documentary (4:00 minutes – Hendrix)
“Bridge and Tunnel” The Honorary Title
Yeah, I know.
In a perfect world, people would respect the opening acts. However, the audience most times are teenagers and teenagers have little to no respect for anything.
Anyway, are you going to do a blog on Rock the Owl 2007?
Good for people to know.
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