Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Paris Is Out. Yippie?

12:15 a.m. Tuesday morning, Paris Hilton walked out of jail.

Like I care.

By now, every person who can come in contact with a form of news media has heard about Hilton’s drinking problem and jail stay. Every top story online these past couple of weeks has had something to do with Hilton.

America is being fed so much about Hilton that magazines do not want to talk about her anymore. It has gotten so bad that US Weekly doesn’t even want to put her on the cover this coming Friday.

On Tuesday, the US Weekly Editor, Janice Min, told The Associated Press: "When it came down to it, the staff and I felt what I believe a lot of people in America are feeling. Which is just enormous Paris fatigue."

Could this mean we are actually moving on? Maybe we can remember that there is a war still going on – or not. We worry so much about celebrities that we do not remember there are American people dying overseas; all we care about is Hilton's first meal after her stay in the pretty celebrity jail cell.

The media has been going nuts over the wrong things, from whether or not Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington will return for another season, to how much Angelina Jolie weighs. So what if Hilton is in jail? She’s messed up; anyone who can watch an episode of “The Simple Life” and not think, “What is this world coming to?” is in the same boat.

E! Online had a video showing a grown man at Hilton’s release “party” screaming: “Our princess is free!” People can stand outside of a jail and fight for a celebrity's freedom from prison, but these same people cannot stand up to protest the war - which is something that could actually affect them.


In an AOL News poll, over 170,000 people agreed that Hilton was served justice.

Is that a joke? The idea that people actually care about her to this extent is sickening.

Hilton was charged with reckless driving in January and put on three years probation. Doesn't reckless driving heighten the chances of killing people? I guess not in her eyes. But no, being put on probation wasn’t enough for her. She was then pulled over two times by police officers and, the second time, was sent to court. She was then sentenced to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. Now, if she would have killed someone, that would be interesting - she would probably have to serve the same jail time, and nothing more.

She was in jail for less then three weeks, and that is justice? Well, I guess celebrities just have it easy – we have to remember that she is a Hilton.

It is amazing what people think is justice. I guess all that matters now is children can idolize an ex-con. We’ll see where that leads the youth of America.


Anonymous said...

this Up blogger claims not to care about Hilton. then she proceds to write 500 words saying why she shouldnt care. oh irony........:0

Anonymous said...


"12:15 a.m. Tuesday morning, Paris Hilton walked out of jail.

Like I care."


But then you write a whole blog about Paris Hilton. What gives? Hmmm perhaps you care more than you realize or want to admit. Perhaps you are in denial. Or perhaps you are a closet Paris Hilton fan – secretly obessed with her.

Come out come out wherever you are...

Anonymous said...

You're more valuable to the Nielsen ratings then you are to blogging.
