Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Sure Hits at SunFest

SunFest has officially started - musically that is a great thing! The line up this year has got something for everyone’s taste. Many of the acts are top 40 hit makers, while others were way before out time (and the majority has probably never heard of them before), but they were still amazing. Whether it’s checking out the old or embracing the new, you’ll be sure to be entertained for at least one of the nights.

Preview: Seeing the best for your buck at SunFest.

Thursday, May 3

It may be a short and an uneventful day at SunFest - but on the other hand, if you’re into Rap music, this one of the two days that will intrigue you. If you want to get to SunFest early Brooke Hogan will be playing at 6:45, nothing special maybe you’ve heard “Everything to Me”, but if you haven’t it couldn’t hurt to check her out. You never know you could catch Hulk Hogan if he decides to show up.

Here’s the dilemma: George Thorogood and Ludacris are playing almost at the same time. There is a need to definitely check out Thorogood (Yes you know him, he sang ”Bad to the Bone,”) so stop by and watch him at 8:30pm before dashing to see Ludacris at 8:45. While he may not be for the older crowd he is surely intended for our generation. Whether you’re into rap or not his show will entertain. For not being a huge fan of Rap music, I still have heard his songs (“Roll Out,” “Move Bitch” and “Money “Maker”) and will definitely check him out. If you haven’t bought seating tickets then you might be out of luck and only get to see a glimpse of him (maybe if your lucky looking at bigger image on a screen.)

Friday, May 4

There isn’t that much going on Friday either. At 7:30 pm, American Idol fans can lay their eyes on once again on Chris Daughtry, with his band, Daughtry. As if that wasn’t good enough, a well kept secret from the pop world, playing after Daughtry at 9:15 is Johnny Lang. He has had numerous hits in the blues-rock world and is now stepping into this spiritual pop world. Of all the people at SunFest, Lang would be the number one person to check out.

Saturday, May 5

Of all the days this is the most packed day (musically) at SunFest. Two people that you’ve probably never heard of will be starting the day off. Older people will be going to see Todd Rundren while the same time Mat Kerney will be playing, so check Rundgren out for half the set, then check out Kerney for the rest. If you want new go for Kerney, if not check out the hits of Rundren.
Another oldie/young-ie time battle is at 4:30. Stephan Stills will be playing the same time as Indie band Augustana. Again you will have to choose, or be like me going for set to set.
The final battle between old and young is All American Rejects (AAR) and Delbert McClinton. Believe me I know, All American Rejects are good and will be packed with fans. So, here’s the best answer to this problem. If you feel like listening to something more then bad breakup songs, listen to McClinton. Plus, if you don’t have seats for AAR, you won’t be able to see, it’s a win-win situation. Thank Goodness for Delbert McClinton and the fact I bought my seats for AAR early so I can see both acts.

Sunday, May 6

At least it can be a late night on Sunday after the long sunny day, Saturday. It’s country night at SunFest! “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy” singers Big & Rich will end SunFest with a bang. Yet again, if country isn’t your thing check out Huey Lewis and the News, they may be old but they can sure rock, with hits such as “The Heart of Rock and Roll” and “Stuck With You.”

Whether its old school or new, there is some great person playing at some time at SunFest. If all else fails and you hate these acts you can always go and look at art or drink. I’d go with the music since the art and drinks aren’t going anywhere, they will still be there before and after the shows.

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