Friday, May 25, 2007

Who Knew?

I signed online the other day and read that Fergie had a new song titled "Big Girls Don't Cry." I first thought she had done a cover of the Four Season's version from back in the day. At this point I was shocked, thinking to myself: "Self: Is she really going to ruin such a great song?"

After all this torturous thinking I just had to watch the music video to see if Fergie was that crazy to actually re-do it.

By the time I had finished watching the video I was awe struck.

To my surprise it was a new song titled "Big Girls Don't Cry," and I was very thankful that she didn't attempt to massacre the original.

I had never really didnt care much for her with her previous hits, "London Bridges" and "Fergalicious." Now I realize she can actually sing! Which you couldn't have sold me from her other songs.

Now I would actually listen to the rest of her cd.

I regret not going to see her this past week when she was here in South Florida, but like all major artists - they all come back untill they burn out.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Smoking is now "R" rated

I remember when I was in NYC this past March, there were huge amounts of anti-smoking ads every where I looked. They were on cab cars, billboards, and buildings – just to name a few. When I saw all of these “signs” I wondered – “wow people are starting to really fight this.”

I’m not saying that I think smoking is entirely bad, and that I am anti-cigarettes. I believe that the main focus of these campaigns should be about keeping children away from smoking, not every person on this planet needs to stop smoking - that will never happen. The advertising companies need to try to protect children until at least the age of 18 years of age, then it really doesn’t matter after that what they do because technically they are "adults," who can see "R" rated movies.

The reason I bring this up is because the MPAA, Motion Picture Association of America, has decided that the amount of smoking in movies will affect the way a movie is rated.

"An R-rated film may include strong language, violence, nudity, drug abuse, other elements, or a combination of the above, so parents are counseled in advance to take this advisory rating very seriously," says the MPAA. Smoking will now be added to this list.

As an adult (the people who can see "R" rated movies), smoking shouldn’t affect their senses as much, since smoking was probably introduced to them a long time ago - it is part of our culture. So with this change it should help - minorly - yeild the children from a popular smoking culture.

The MPAA should put such harsh ratings on movies, even though it’s the parent's or guardian's job to check out what their children are watching, though sometimes they don't. MPAA, needs to help be the nanny, you could say.

But as our culture grows, there will always be problems with what other people do, more regulations thrown on movies, and more laws on prohibiting certain people to see them.

So the next time you’re around a child and watching a movie, remember to shield their eyes when a cigarette pops up on the screen.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Freedom of Expression?

As I was reading Entertainment news online the other day, I saw yet another article about musician’s first amendment rights being attacked, and thought why can’t people let artists express themselves the way they please.

Marilyn Manson recently released an eight minute long music video titled “Heart Shaped Glasses,” which Manson directed himself. Maybe it’s just because it’s Manson, but many people have been talking about this video. The video starts out with a two and a half minute sex scene with Manson and his younger girlfriend, Evan Rachel Wood. Then it takes the viewer into a frenzy of a car ride, then again leading to more sex - but this time they are drenched in blood. So of course if its Manson and sex - you know it’s going to cause some problems.

So the controversy surrounding this video has become whether or not the sex scene is real or fake. Conservatives are saying that it is to “real” to put in a music video, and is considered pornographic. Manson will not confirm whether or not the scenes are real.

YouTube has flagged the video, saying that you must be a member and 18 years or older in order to watch the video. Also, on Manson’s video it clearly says that you must be 16 years or older to proceed. Manson has taken the necessary precautions to ensure that the wrong people don’t watch the video.

So why should Manson’s video still be a problem? Whether or not he is a “sickly insane” man, doesn’t matter - Manson has the right to produce what he wants; it goes back to the argument “if you don’t like it don’t watch it.”

The public has the right to watch whatever they feel like, well to an extent. I will never understand why people have to cause so many problems with these kinds of ordeals. Why can’t people just ignore the “crude” things if they don’t like them. It has no effect on them once so ever. Let the people who like Manson enjoy the video without having it be taken off the air waves, or redone to fit a select groups needs.

After all these problems with the general public, it has been said that Interscope records is going to release a toned down version of the video. It has also been rumored that they will release the single but only for one week. This could go both ways; if it runs for just a week then more people will go out and buy it because it is risky, or it will hurt the singles sales.

Whatever happens, happens and by no means can I stop this. I just wish that the arguments about musician censorship should not be an issue. Musicians should be able to express themselves to an extent. There is nothing wrong that is going on in Mansons video, no sexual organs are shown, it’s nothing more that a viewer would see in an R-rated movie. Manson has done the needed legal jargon but yet he will always loose the battle of freedom of expression.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Indie vs. Pop at SunFest

SunFest just wrapped up its 25th year last weekend, boasting that 275,000 people crowded around its three music stages along the Intracostal in downtown West Palm Beach.

But for the few indie acts that played “Florida's largest music, art and waterfront festival” – SunFest’s own description – they might as well have played at a local bar. Astonishing acts like Augustana and Mat Kearney drew a mere 60 fans on Saturday afternoon, when hours later pop/rock band, the All American Rejects poured in thousands of people for their show.

This applied for Friday night as well, pop/rock act Daughtry drew thousands who endured sardine-like conditions and cheered even though they were so far away, they couldn’t see a thing. While playing directly after Daughtry was blues-rocker Jonny Lang, who endured a crowd of less then 200 people – where did they all go? The night was still young. In the blues world Lang has far surpassed the recognition that Daughtry has gotten, but yet fans will line up for hours to catch a glimpse of their beloved Ex-Idol.

SunFest needs to find that fine line between promoting overly promoting the pop world and not promoting the indie world at all. The general public is simply missing out on some breathtaking performances, because they don’t know any better. When someone looks in the pamphlet at SunFest all they see is a name, a name that means nothing to them.

This will be SunFest test for upcoming years - getting people to attend their indie shows.

For photos of the event check out my SunFest Photogallery

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Sure Hits at SunFest

SunFest has officially started - musically that is a great thing! The line up this year has got something for everyone’s taste. Many of the acts are top 40 hit makers, while others were way before out time (and the majority has probably never heard of them before), but they were still amazing. Whether it’s checking out the old or embracing the new, you’ll be sure to be entertained for at least one of the nights.

Preview: Seeing the best for your buck at SunFest.

Thursday, May 3

It may be a short and an uneventful day at SunFest - but on the other hand, if you’re into Rap music, this one of the two days that will intrigue you. If you want to get to SunFest early Brooke Hogan will be playing at 6:45, nothing special maybe you’ve heard “Everything to Me”, but if you haven’t it couldn’t hurt to check her out. You never know you could catch Hulk Hogan if he decides to show up.

Here’s the dilemma: George Thorogood and Ludacris are playing almost at the same time. There is a need to definitely check out Thorogood (Yes you know him, he sang ”Bad to the Bone,”) so stop by and watch him at 8:30pm before dashing to see Ludacris at 8:45. While he may not be for the older crowd he is surely intended for our generation. Whether you’re into rap or not his show will entertain. For not being a huge fan of Rap music, I still have heard his songs (“Roll Out,” “Move Bitch” and “Money “Maker”) and will definitely check him out. If you haven’t bought seating tickets then you might be out of luck and only get to see a glimpse of him (maybe if your lucky looking at bigger image on a screen.)

Friday, May 4

There isn’t that much going on Friday either. At 7:30 pm, American Idol fans can lay their eyes on once again on Chris Daughtry, with his band, Daughtry. As if that wasn’t good enough, a well kept secret from the pop world, playing after Daughtry at 9:15 is Johnny Lang. He has had numerous hits in the blues-rock world and is now stepping into this spiritual pop world. Of all the people at SunFest, Lang would be the number one person to check out.

Saturday, May 5

Of all the days this is the most packed day (musically) at SunFest. Two people that you’ve probably never heard of will be starting the day off. Older people will be going to see Todd Rundren while the same time Mat Kerney will be playing, so check Rundgren out for half the set, then check out Kerney for the rest. If you want new go for Kerney, if not check out the hits of Rundren.
Another oldie/young-ie time battle is at 4:30. Stephan Stills will be playing the same time as Indie band Augustana. Again you will have to choose, or be like me going for set to set.
The final battle between old and young is All American Rejects (AAR) and Delbert McClinton. Believe me I know, All American Rejects are good and will be packed with fans. So, here’s the best answer to this problem. If you feel like listening to something more then bad breakup songs, listen to McClinton. Plus, if you don’t have seats for AAR, you won’t be able to see, it’s a win-win situation. Thank Goodness for Delbert McClinton and the fact I bought my seats for AAR early so I can see both acts.

Sunday, May 6

At least it can be a late night on Sunday after the long sunny day, Saturday. It’s country night at SunFest! “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy” singers Big & Rich will end SunFest with a bang. Yet again, if country isn’t your thing check out Huey Lewis and the News, they may be old but they can sure rock, with hits such as “The Heart of Rock and Roll” and “Stuck With You.”

Whether its old school or new, there is some great person playing at some time at SunFest. If all else fails and you hate these acts you can always go and look at art or drink. I’d go with the music since the art and drinks aren’t going anywhere, they will still be there before and after the shows.