Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thank God for TiVo

Without it I would never be able to watch the new Fall shows that are starting up as we speak.

There is one alternative to TiVo. A lot of the major stations have On Demand on their websites. This lets you watch the show in pieces at your convenience. So if you forget to TiVo you got a back up.

Here are some new shows worth checking out:

Aliens in America (CW) Monday, October 1 - It may be about High School, but it reminds all of us about racism and what has happened in our past. Its seems like a great little pick me up!

Pushing Daisies (ABC) Wednesday, October 3 - A love story where "lovers" can't touch? Ha, college kids couldn't last. The cinematography seems worthy of viewing as well.

Grey’s Anatomy lover’s watch out, our favorite redhead is back in a spin off of our favorite Surgens. Private Practice (ABC) Wednesday, September 26

Women’s Murder Club (ABC) Friday, October 12 - I may be into this kinda stuff but four powerful Women, that are great role models. That's a first, and doing men's jobs! Not to mention it's the first series from the acclaimed author James Patterson.

And not to mention some oldies:

Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) Thursday, September 27

House (FOX) Tuesday, September 25

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bye Bye MTV

As if MTV wasn’t headed in a downward spiral already due to the lack of – what's that term again, oh right – music videos, the Video Music Awards this past Sunday planted MTV firmly underground.

I remember when MTV actually played music videos for the majority of the day - like 10 years ago. I would wait and wait just to get a glimpse of my favorite video at that time. I understand that there is the internet now and that YouTube is man's best friend, but I want my Music Television back!

If you haven’t heard yet (which, if you haven’t, you must be living in a hole), Britney Spears opened the show with the worst lip-syncing job I have ever witnessed - not to mention her body was stiff as a board, showcasing that show her dance skills have gone down the drain as well as her reputation.

What ever happened to the good ol' days, when Madonna came out in a wedding gown and groped the floor, or even the infamous Brit-Madonna kiss?

Now MTV consists of mostly reality TV. I admit, I loved the show “Next” but come on! How many forms of “Laguna Beach” can we really have on the same station?

I can honestly say I haven’t watched MTV since high school, which was almost three years ago. On the rare chance that I do have a minute to watch TV, my music station of choice has moved to Fuse. They are a Canadaian station that has a huge following here in America. They play more rock and indie music videos, with a mix of some popular stuff. It's a good alternative to MTV.

I guess all that’s left to say is R.I.P. MTV. You were good once, and maybe you can make a better comeback than Britney.

Britney, Christina, and Madonna

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Amphitheatre Hopping

From what I’ve heard around campus, students love the Mizner Park Amphitheatre – which shocked me.

Mizner Park Amphitheatre is an outdoor venue off of US1 with no overhang to shield people from rain or the suns rays. Sometimes Mizner doesn’t even have seats – standing room only – which is only good for certain kinds of artists, but people like it.

I saw Il Divo there last year and it was awful. They put on a great show but the conditions were horrible. To start, the tickets were around $60 per seat, which would have been ok if, say, we were at the Kravis Center. It had rained early on in the day so the grass was more like a mud pile, but on the positive side, it was fun watching the elite Boca Raton crowd walk around with dirt on their dresses and pant legs.

When talking to fellow students, it seems like sitting outside Mizner is the place to be. Some students bring food, drinks, fans and folding chairs just to sit outside (and not see) the show. Granted, you can hear fine when sitting by the pretty little fountains, but couldn’t you just listen to the CD with your friends? I’ve also observed time to time plenty of people over 65 sitting outside doing the same thing as the college kids are doing; the only difference is the shows that they attend.

Maybe it’s just me, but I want to see the performance -- yes, I’m going to have to dish out some money, but if the act is good it’s worth it.

But maybe Amphitheatre jumping is the way to go: Listening to live music for free, food at your convenience, and not having to pay five bucks for one beer.

Sound Advice Amphitheatre in West Palm has more of a rural surrounding area, but the shows that come there far surpass the shows at Mizner. Yet, not many people chill outside. There are a fair share of listeners outside at country concerts, most are tailgating before the shows, but most of them actually go in and watch the concert.

I’d say unless you really love the bands that are playing at these venues, just sit outside and chill with friends for free. But, if you really care about them, please dish out the money and go inside.

Shows Coming to these venues:

Live and Collective Soul
Mizner Park Amphitheater, Boca Raton, FL
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

“Eh Hee” Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews Band
Sound Advice Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL
Friday, Sept. 14, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

Brad Paisley
Sound Advice Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL
Saturday, Sept. 22, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

Velvet Revolver and Alice In Chains
Sound Advice Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL
Sunday, Oct. 7, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What Would Jane Do?

A lot has changed since Jane Austen’s time (the late 1700s), but not in the eyes of "The Jane Austen Book Club" fans.

There is a famous book called the “The Jane Austen Book Club,” which was made into a movie that is due out in September. It’s a chick flick that portrays a group of women who live by how Austen wrote her books. Each woman is dealing with different issues on love, and all relate their problems to at least one of Austen’s novels.

After seeing the films Pride & Prejudice (one of Austen's novels) and Becoming Jane (a portrayal of Austen's love affair) my fair share of times, I realized how Austen has lead the way for so many women. Austen never married and made a living through her pen – which was frowned up in her time. She has given inspiration for over 200 years, yet never got a chance to live the life she wrote about in her novels. And now people live by what she has written about.

Here is my concern with the film/book/society:

I know that the "Book Club" story is fiction, but I’m almost positive that there are people (after reading the book or seeing the movie) who follow life's situations by Jane Austen’s words.

The world we live in now has changed completely from what Austen experienced and wrote about - including the right to marry within your own family, but that was a good change. In this film there is a motto: “What would Jane Do?”

Could people actually think of this motto before making every decision about love?

I can see it now: “My boyfriend's a jerk... hmm. What Would Jane Do? Oh right, dump him.”

So can people really live a normal life in society by following the words of the great Austen?

Maybe it's their form of therapy - or maybe it's because they have no friends to converse with... I guess we can only wait to find our own "Book Club" members here at FAU and ask them.

Becoming Jane Trailer

“Jane Austen Book Club” Trailer

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Three Year ‘Haze’

"On The Verge Of Something Wonderful"

There couldn’t be a better way to ring in the new school year than receiving a copy of the much over due Darren Hayes album.

Sure going on a vacation or winning some money would have been great, but after waiting three years for this CD, I can honestly say it’s better than winning the money.

“This Delicate Thing We Have Made” was released on Tuesday. After going to three different Best Buys to find it, I finally got it. I guess that’s the part of the problem with being an indie artist and overseas.

If you don’t know who the hell I’m talking about, he is the former lead singer of the 90’s band Savage Garden. They were famous for their tracks “Truly Madly Deeply,”
“I Want You” and “I Knew I Loved You.”

Many Americans don’t know that Hayes has been on a solo path for a while now. He has released two solo albums on major labels, and then decided to really go ‘solo’ by starting his own label, Powdered Sugar, enabling him to do whatever his heart desired on this new album.

Hayes, who currently lives in England, did a mini-American tour earlier this year to promote his album. He will be back in the states some time early in 2008.

So why am I telling you this, you ask? No, not for the greedy self-interest that I wanted to spiel on about him for hours… but one: to promote and two: to give yet another example of how record companies control artists art, forcing them to do their own thing. It’s been three years, and I felt like telling someone.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Admitting There is a Problem is the First Step to Solving It

High School Musical 2 Trailer

It seems whenever I bring up High School Musical (HSM), college students cringe at the very thought. Yet, Zac Efron – star of HSM - is on the cover of Rolling Stone this week. Maybe Rolling Stone's target audiences are in the "closet" kind of fans.

At first, I too thought that HSM was lame. Then I actually watched it, and I truly enjoyed it. It’s one of those feel-good corny movies (hence, the closet love for it).

Now, HSM has got another chance to drag more college kids into all the fun. This Friday is the premiere of High School Musical 2. This time around, members of the cast have to deal with more “adult” issues (that maybe college kids could care about), such as getting ready for college and finding who they truly are.

Just one suggestion: If your looking for teen angst, crime or sexual tension, this is not the film to watch. Remember: Think happy thoughts. It's another step toward acceptance.

After doing a little research on the film and the cast, I found that they are all college-age kids. Their ages range from 18 (Corbin Bleu) to 27 (Monique Coleman).

I also found out that “The New American Heart Throb” (according to Rolling Stone) Zac Efron did not sing his parts in the first film. This would have given me enough oomph to dislike the film as well, but he saved himself…

"I didn't even sing on the first album," he told Rolling Stone. "It wasn't my voice in the movie. Even though I wanted to do it."

He continued by saying that in the new film, High School Musical 2, he is doing all the singing – along with all his part as Link Larkin in Hairspray.

Now, HSM 2 should be even better than the first one, thanks to Disney letting Efron sing this time around. This is just another reason why college kids need to watch out for America's new “it” boy.

And if you want to come completely out of the closet, you can head over to Sound Advice Amphitheater this Sunday and see Corbin Bleu performing songs from his new album.

It may be just a kid’s show, but being the oldest kid there without a parent would be kind of exciting, or maybe even bring back memories of the good ol’ days.

HSM on the Disney Channel: August 16 at 8p.m.
HSM 2 on the Disney Channel: August 17 at 8 p.m.

Corbin Bleu “Deal With It”

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Goo Goo Dolls Transcend Time

The Goo Goo Dolls came to the Sound Advice Amphitheater this past weekend and played to a huge crowd – with all the seats sold, but still some room where they could have packed people on the lawn. But who really likes the lawn?

The show had one of those “wow” moments for me. Almost 10 years ago, I was in the same place watching the same band perform. That made me 10 years old – that is half of my life ago!

It really got me thinking about how much time has changed, and that they are only band (which is still together) that I would actually say I still like and enjoy.

Can anyone think of something when they were 10 that they still enjoy?

Don’t get me wrong, I loved cartoons – I was a major Hey Arnold! fan. Unfortunately, there is no time for that now, and Arnold and crew have slowly faded away along with their reruns.

“Let Love In”

Now with a new CD, Let Love In, the Goo Goo Dolls are still making their way into pop culture. But why are they one of the only few that are still standing?

Maybe it's because they write, play and perform their own songs, which proves that there will always be a place in people’s hearts for singing/songwriting rockers. Or maybe it’s because their music was open to all age groups, so it can transcend time?

Who knows. Maybe it’s time for a Backstreet Boys reunion tour – we've already got the Spice Girls together again.

Another shocking thing that I discovered at the show was that the lead singer, Johnny Rzeznik, turns 42 this year. I almost passed out. He doesn’t look a day over 35!

But a lot has changed in 10 years: people aged and music changed. I guess I just have to take every little thing that is left from my childhood and try to hold on to them as long as I can.

Good bye Arnold! I will miss you!

Hey Arnold! Intro

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"I'm the Opening Act"

1967: Jimi Hendrix opened for The Monkees. However, the young-ins couldn’t wait to get a glimpse of Davy Jones and booed Hendrix right off the stage.

Times haven’t changed that much.

Last week, I was at a show for The Honorary Title, who was one of the three opening acts. The main band – which came on three hours after doors opened - was a happy pop-rock band called The Format.

The Honarary Title was the band preceding them, and fans were way too anxious - so anxious that the masses of people started talking through the Honorary Title’s set.

Now, as a “celebrity,” what do you do? Do you keep playing and hope for the best? Do you say something? Or do you just get off stage?

Well, lead singer Jarrod Gorbel put up with the roar of people until he began to sing a heart felt acoustic piece (and I do mean heartfelt – there were moments where he was so emotional that I thought we was going to breakdown on stage). Gorbel yelled mid-song for the crowd to just “shut up” and listen, informing people that their set would be over soon enough.

Should I even mention that the mindless people kept talking?

What I don’t understand is disrespecting opening acts. People see someone singing their heart out – literally – and they talk through it? At least go outside.

Even better: Come just for the headliner.

Maybe it is just the youth of America with the attention span of a newborn, but nothing has changed in over 40 years. Maybe it’s time – or maybe not – but it all depends on how many people actually care solely about the music.

I know I’ve stood through numerous bands that have totally bombed, but I never ruined their set. I see it as an anticipation builder – it adds to the joys of concert going.

Anyway, THT are a pretty decent band, definitely “checkout” worthy, but they’re no Hendrix.

Monkees Documentary (4:00 minutes – Hendrix)

“Bridge and Tunnel” The Honorary Title

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Ups and Downs of Warped Tour, Oh and Add in Some Swirls

To compare this year's Warped Tour to previous years would be unfair. However, there is one major thing in common with this years and last years: rain - and lots of it.

Ever since Warped Tour started to play in Miami, the tour has been rained out (you could almost say cursed). But this year it came to the extremes, where the concert was actually shut down.

Last Saturday, after clear sunny skies all morning, came the afternoon thunderstorms. But these weren’t your average storms. This time, funnel clouds, sand storms and what my friend and I called “a pre-tornado” occured.

Around 4:20 p.m., large gusts of wind came swooping onto the fields of people. Next came a massive swirling sand storm, which lifted numerous trash items into its spinning motion. This caused the mass of people to yell “tornado.” Hell broke loose, with people running frantically to find a safe place. The only problem was that there wasn't a "safe place" for over a mile.

Once cops realized that something was happening, they decided to get on their megaphones and “cancel” Warped Tour.

This only made the hysteria worse, causing more people to panic and run around aimlessly. As my friend and I were running as fast as we could to our car, a very low-spinning cloud began to form above us, not to mention the great sand storm with winds so strong that it aided to the running process by lifting us up a bit.

After all the drama of “tornadoes,” about an hour passing and more than three-quarters of the people gone, I received a phone call from a band member that was still in hopes of an interview. He not only informed me of the interview still being on schedule, he also said that Warped Tour was going on as planned.

As usual, I freaked out. But we didn’t go back.

So with my disappointment, I went on with life, and remembered the good things that happened this year:

I got to see two amazing bands perform.

All Time Low – I mentioned them before, but they are amazing. They played an acoustic set due to an illness in the group, and did great.

"Coffee Shop Soundtrack" - All Time Low

Street Drum Corps – Who did a Christmas song with The Used lead singer Bert McCracken. They may just be “banging on trash cans,” but it sure was entertaining.

"Wrecks" - Street Drum Corps

"War Is Over" - Street Drum Corps & Bert McCracken

To see photos from the show click here.

I got to interview great bands, some I never heard of until that day, but were pretty awesome.

Most of the bands will be coming back to play in the area, and I will definitely post dates when I get my hands on them.

So needless to say, next time Warped rolls into town, and I see a black cloud coming towards us, I will head to my car and not just say, “Oh, it's another one of the small storms that will be over in a few minutes.”

Hopefully next year, Kevin (founder of Warped Tour) and the rest of his Warped crew will bring the show back home to its rightful place at the Pompano Beach Amphitheatre.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Travolta, "Big, Blonde & Beatuiful:" I Think Not

The new Hairspray the movie (2007) Trailer

Hairspray the musical and movie take place in 1962, which got me thinking that the '60s would have been so much more fun.

They got to protest a war, fight segregation, and they had amazing music to dance to. And what do we have now… We have a war that only a select few protest (yet we complain about it daily), we still have racism where nothing changes, and we have music where all you do is “back that thang up.”

What happened to society?

We – well some of us - were children of hippies, and what are we doing? Sitting around complaining about these issues and not doing anything about it!

Hairspray the movie, which comes out this Friday, touches base on numerous issues dealing with more then just a “big” girl trying to fit in, such as segregation/racism and slightly upon gay rights.

With these same things still affecting society today, it should be interesting to see how the iPod generation likes it. There will definitely be a follow up.

But anyway, back to the movie.

Ever since I first saw this musical at the Kravis Center a couple of years ago, I have been a “big” fan; you could even say I'm obsessed. Yet, the list of things wrong with the new film could go on for years, but I wont rant that long.

First, John Travolta playing Edna Turnblad – are you kidding me? When did Turnblad get a southern accent? When did she loose so much weight? What happened to her deep masculine voice? The things wrong with Travolta playing this character could take up pages. Watch the videos below to see the difference between the old Edna and the new.

The next order of business is Darlene Love vs. Queen Latifah for the part of Motormouth Maybelle. Well let's see… One has oodles more talent and is performing the part on Broadway as we speak, but the other one has a greater appeal to the iPod generation. What to do? Well, the makers of the movie chose the last one, which makes more sense, right? They want more money, so who cares about talent.

Seeing that everything I have said has been extremely negative, I might as well throw in two small positive points.

James Marsden, who played Cyclops in the X-Men the movies, plays “Corney Collins,” and who knew this super hero could sing? I sure didn’t, and that boy has the vocal chords to prove it.

Small town girl Nikki Blonsky got her dreams to come true. Her story is one that isn’t seen much in Hollywood. She auditioned for the part of Tracy Turnblad and this high school senior, working at Cold Stone Creamery, found out at work that she got the part. She got to skip all the b-list films and act with a-list celebs. Some people are just plain lucky.

After all is said and done, I think the majority of viewers who haven’t seen it live or seen the original will enjoy it. It is entertaining yet not up to par for the die-hard fans. But one thing is for sure: There is nothing better than live music on Broadway.

The Classics:

Hairspray the movie's 1988 Trailer

Hairspray the musical's Montage

Sunday, July 8, 2007

It's up to Entertainers to Save the World... Literally

I cannot fathom the idea that it has come down to entertainers to have to influence people to save the planet… but of course, it has happened.

Live Earth, a global concert of over 100 music acts playing on seven different continents, took over this past weekend. Their goal was to inform the general public about the global warming crisis that is taking over our precious planet.

"It’s one problem we can solve if we come together as one and take action and drive our neighbors, businesses and governments to act as well,” said Al Gore at the concert. “That's what Live Earth is all about."

MSN stated that there were over 10 million video streams on their Web site. Sadly, only 2.4 million people viewed the recap on prime time television on Sunday night. The television broadcast had the smallest amount of viewers. Ready for this... you are going to have to brace yourself… ABC aired the animated film Monsters Inc. and it received one million more viewings then something that was attempting to save the planet.

Madonna was the last to perform for the night in the United Kingdom and wanted to make sure the point got across.

“I want to thank Al Gore and Kevin Wall for giving the world the wake up call it so badly needs and for starting an avalanche that we are running out of time,” Madonna said during her set. “Let’s hope the concerts going on are not just about entertainment, but about starting a revolution.”

With it being almost a week after the event, it seems like nothing has changed. So maybe some people went out and bought better light bulbs, but there was no revolution like the Smashing Pumpkins wanted. Maybe the idea that entertainers can change the world wasn’t ingenious after all. Isn’t that what the politicians are here for?

Even celebrities can’t comprehend the idea that musicians can save the world.

“I watched bits of Live Earth. I don't want the earth to melt. That's for sure,” pop singer Darren Hayes stated in his personal Blog. “But I don't know if the Pussycat Dolls can save us. Do you?”

With that said, it was all in all a great show, and the idea behind it was ok, too. But at the end of the night, it really seemed like it was just for entertaining purposes only.

This weeks songs that are worthy of being downloaded:

Darren Hayes “On The Verge of Something Wonderful”

Paper Rival “You’re Right”

Danny K “Real Man”

Joe “If I Was Your Man”

Spoon “The Underdog”

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Donate Blood & Get Back Stage At Warped Tour

I never understood giving people “gifts” for donating their blood. Shouldn’t that be one of those random acts of kindness? I guess not, seeing we are always short on blood. But now - for the first time - I am ecstatic that they give us gifts.

A little birdie told me that if you give blood to the Florida Blood Center, you can get a free backstage pass to Warped Tour. (For those of you who don’t know – Warped Tour is a yearly outdoor rock festival, which pays a visit to Miami on July 21.)

Now, of course, I was skeptical of such a wonderful freebie, so I did my homework.

And, drum roll please… it is completely true. If you donate blood to the drive, you get to go back stage and meet your favorite bands.

The mission by giving away backstage passes is “to help save lives by creating simple opportunities for people to give and get back something special related to music, musical artists and general entertainment,” Florida’s Blood Centers said.

This year may not have the all-time best bands, but there are a few worthy candidates. Here are my Warped picks:

All Time Low – “Coffee Shop Soundtrack”
For more check out their website

Anberlin – “Paperthin Hymns”
For more check out their website

Boys Like Girls – “The Great Escape”
For more check out their website

Hawthorne Heights – “Pens and Needles”
For more check out their website
Just a little history behind the video… It was filmed at a Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale, and guess who was there? Yours truly.

New Found Glory – “My Friends Over You”
For more check out their website

Paramore – “Emergency”
For more check out their website

So no matter if you just want to get wasted and/or sunburned, it is worth “saving a life” to go meet one of your favorite bands during the show.

Remember, there is more to life than free backstage passes.

Warped Tour is Saturday, July 21. Doors open at 11 a.m. – try to get there early; there will be a long line and most likely an awesome band playing right when you get in – and tickets are $31 plus taxes. You must buy a ticket in order to use the backstage pass!

There are only a few more days to get your free pass, so don’t miss out!

South Florida Donation Days:

July 9 – 12 2007
FIU- Biscayne Bay Campus: Miami 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
July 13 - 14, 2007
Lake Park Branch Location 
(561) 845-2323
July 13: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
July 14: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
For more information on Warped Tour, visit their site , and for more information on the blood drive, visit Music Saves Lives website.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Paris Is Out. Yippie?

12:15 a.m. Tuesday morning, Paris Hilton walked out of jail.

Like I care.

By now, every person who can come in contact with a form of news media has heard about Hilton’s drinking problem and jail stay. Every top story online these past couple of weeks has had something to do with Hilton.

America is being fed so much about Hilton that magazines do not want to talk about her anymore. It has gotten so bad that US Weekly doesn’t even want to put her on the cover this coming Friday.

On Tuesday, the US Weekly Editor, Janice Min, told The Associated Press: "When it came down to it, the staff and I felt what I believe a lot of people in America are feeling. Which is just enormous Paris fatigue."

Could this mean we are actually moving on? Maybe we can remember that there is a war still going on – or not. We worry so much about celebrities that we do not remember there are American people dying overseas; all we care about is Hilton's first meal after her stay in the pretty celebrity jail cell.

The media has been going nuts over the wrong things, from whether or not Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington will return for another season, to how much Angelina Jolie weighs. So what if Hilton is in jail? She’s messed up; anyone who can watch an episode of “The Simple Life” and not think, “What is this world coming to?” is in the same boat.

E! Online had a video showing a grown man at Hilton’s release “party” screaming: “Our princess is free!” People can stand outside of a jail and fight for a celebrity's freedom from prison, but these same people cannot stand up to protest the war - which is something that could actually affect them.


In an AOL News poll, over 170,000 people agreed that Hilton was served justice.

Is that a joke? The idea that people actually care about her to this extent is sickening.

Hilton was charged with reckless driving in January and put on three years probation. Doesn't reckless driving heighten the chances of killing people? I guess not in her eyes. But no, being put on probation wasn’t enough for her. She was then pulled over two times by police officers and, the second time, was sent to court. She was then sentenced to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. Now, if she would have killed someone, that would be interesting - she would probably have to serve the same jail time, and nothing more.

She was in jail for less then three weeks, and that is justice? Well, I guess celebrities just have it easy – we have to remember that she is a Hilton.

It is amazing what people think is justice. I guess all that matters now is children can idolize an ex-con. We’ll see where that leads the youth of America.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

We Need Moore Health Care

Director/Actor/Writer Michael Moore has a new documentary, Sicko, which was leaked on YouTube and other file sharing sites this past weekend. Moore is infamous for his documentaries Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 911.

Sicko is a documentary about health care in the United States, or for that matter, what health care?

In Sicko , Moore asked the United States Treasury Department for an OK to go to Cuba, where he wanted to get health care for three 9/11 rescue workers. With no response from the Treasury Department, Moore took the workers into Cuba to get them the health care they deserved, which would add a few years to their lives.

Moore claims that the workers were ill due to 9/11 and the U.S. government was not coming to their aid.

Students all around campus seemed to have the same conclusion to the health care problem that Moore shows in the documentary.

“Bottom line, he saved three people's lives. It shouldn’t be such a big problem,” said Brian Torres, a junior with a concentration in business.

This is one of the key facts: He saved three people who would have otherwise died here without having been treated. We are the richest country and we have our people suffer from not being able to have health care. I just don’t get it.

“It's OK [what Moore did], he saved people. Why should they have to suffer if we can do something about it?” said Keith McIntosh, a junior with his focus on communication.

The problem with people going to Cuba is that the United States does not want its people to be there; the only people allowed in are journalists. Moore asked the Treasury Department for permission to go there but they never responded, so he went on with his plans.

I don’t believe it is the government’s decision to say who goes where. If people know the problems behind where they are going, then it’s their call to travel into these foreign places.

“I believe that what Moore does helps the general public understand just how big the problems are that we seem to ignore on a daily basis,” says Nicole Carstensen, a sophomore studying communication. “He needs to go to these extremes so that things will change. Why can’t Americans have free health care? Our surrounding neighbors [Canada and Cuba] both have it.”

I agree that what Moore did was majorly extreme, and needed to be done. Why should the government attack him for trying to save people and prove his point?

The only way to get through to that many people is by mass media, in an "art" form. By making a movie out of the United States Issues, will make people understand just how horrible health care here is.

It’s time for Americans to take a stand and try their hardest to get free health care.

“Sicko” Trailer

There is a preview of “Sicko” at the Regal South Beach 18 in Miami on Saturday, June 23. It is scheduled to hit theaters on Friday, June 29.

Monday, June 11, 2007

There Was More to Life Than The Sopranos Series Finale

Yes, I did care if Tony Soprano got wacked this past weekend - but my love of music prevailed. I forcefully detached myself from the last episode ever and watched the Tony Awards.
(For those of you who don't know - the Tony Awards are the most important Award for Broadway productions.)

About 10 years ago, I remember standing on Flager Drive in West Palm Beach, waiting in anticipation to see the singer, whose mom currently lives in Hobe Sound, Duncan Sheik.

I was 10 years old and ever since that concert I have enjoyed his music. The Grammy-nominated soloist has released 5 records since his well-known self-titled album.

Now the man behind the hit, "Barely Breathing," has made his mark on Broadway.

The musical, Spring Awakening's success is due to Sheik and Steven Sater - Sheik wrote the music and Sater wrote the lyrics.

The New York Post called it "An unexpected jolt of sudden genius! A groundbreaking must-see musical sure to wake up Broadway!"

This past weekend, Sheik and crew were nominated for 11 Tony Awards and won 8 of them including Best Musical and Original Score.

When Sheik accepted one of his awards he said, "Thank you for letting this live. You did a very cool thing. And musical theater rocks."

Now for the next couple of months the show will sell out, and basically be untouchable.
Spring Awakening plays in New York City, yet the CD has been available everywhere for fans' listening pleasure.

Even if your not a fan of musicals or Sheik, the soundtrack is packed with some good stand alone tracks such as, "Bitch of Living."

The New York Observer called it "A Miracle that must be seen to be believed, the best new musical in a generation!"

So whether or not you can travel to NYC just yet, you can still take a listen to the Award winning music convienently on your iPod.

Spring Awakening performance at the 61st Tony Awards

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summer TV May Actually be Worthy of Watching

One thing that bothers me every summer is how I finally have time to watch TV and none of the shows I want to see are on.

One show that has caught my eye since it premiered three seasons ago is Entourage on HBO (which was conveniently on after The Sopranos on Sunday nights). That is the only show that captivates my attention during the summer.

If you haven't seen Entourage, and have HBO, you can go to the Guide and see every episode of it from this last season thus far.

Now that the summer is here, I realized that I need to have something else to get addicted to, so I did some homework.

Here are some shows which seem worthy of investing at least one episode:

- Heartland on TNT, Starts June 18th.
Treat Williams is no 'House' but this is a surgeon drama and surely has to have some redeeming factor.

- The Closer new season begins on June 18, on TNT

- The Starter Wife Re-premires on the USA Network Tomorrow.
Emmy winner Debra Messing, of Will & Grace fame, stars in the six- episode mini series, which follows the life of a divorcee who is making her way back into the dating world.

- Hidden Palms is on the CW, Wednesdays at 8pm.
Seems like a twisted version of "The OC." From the same creator of "Dawson’s Creek" and I Know What You Did Last Summer, this new show is a perfect combination of the two.

On the other hand, if none of these shows appeal to you there are a few more options.

1.) Go to Blockbuster and rent a season you didn’t get to catch last year - or buy them so you don't have to deal with late fees.
2.) Head over to NBC.com or FOX.com to catch this past seasons shows for FREE!

I started to watch Heroes when it premiered last season, but realized I had no time for it.
But now that summer is here, I can finally watch it without paying for it.
Just go to NBC.com and click on the show you want to see. You can start with episode 1 and go all the way to the season finale. This applies for numerous shows besides Heroes.

So the next time you have to watch some Full House reruns, remember to just go online and watch something new.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Who Knew?

I signed online the other day and read that Fergie had a new song titled "Big Girls Don't Cry." I first thought she had done a cover of the Four Season's version from back in the day. At this point I was shocked, thinking to myself: "Self: Is she really going to ruin such a great song?"

After all this torturous thinking I just had to watch the music video to see if Fergie was that crazy to actually re-do it.

By the time I had finished watching the video I was awe struck.

To my surprise it was a new song titled "Big Girls Don't Cry," and I was very thankful that she didn't attempt to massacre the original.

I had never really didnt care much for her with her previous hits, "London Bridges" and "Fergalicious." Now I realize she can actually sing! Which you couldn't have sold me from her other songs.

Now I would actually listen to the rest of her cd.

I regret not going to see her this past week when she was here in South Florida, but like all major artists - they all come back untill they burn out.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Smoking is now "R" rated

I remember when I was in NYC this past March, there were huge amounts of anti-smoking ads every where I looked. They were on cab cars, billboards, and buildings – just to name a few. When I saw all of these “signs” I wondered – “wow people are starting to really fight this.”

I’m not saying that I think smoking is entirely bad, and that I am anti-cigarettes. I believe that the main focus of these campaigns should be about keeping children away from smoking, not every person on this planet needs to stop smoking - that will never happen. The advertising companies need to try to protect children until at least the age of 18 years of age, then it really doesn’t matter after that what they do because technically they are "adults," who can see "R" rated movies.

The reason I bring this up is because the MPAA, Motion Picture Association of America, has decided that the amount of smoking in movies will affect the way a movie is rated.

"An R-rated film may include strong language, violence, nudity, drug abuse, other elements, or a combination of the above, so parents are counseled in advance to take this advisory rating very seriously," says the MPAA. Smoking will now be added to this list.

As an adult (the people who can see "R" rated movies), smoking shouldn’t affect their senses as much, since smoking was probably introduced to them a long time ago - it is part of our culture. So with this change it should help - minorly - yeild the children from a popular smoking culture.

The MPAA should put such harsh ratings on movies, even though it’s the parent's or guardian's job to check out what their children are watching, though sometimes they don't. MPAA, needs to help be the nanny, you could say.

But as our culture grows, there will always be problems with what other people do, more regulations thrown on movies, and more laws on prohibiting certain people to see them.

So the next time you’re around a child and watching a movie, remember to shield their eyes when a cigarette pops up on the screen.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Freedom of Expression?

As I was reading Entertainment news online the other day, I saw yet another article about musician’s first amendment rights being attacked, and thought why can’t people let artists express themselves the way they please.

Marilyn Manson recently released an eight minute long music video titled “Heart Shaped Glasses,” which Manson directed himself. Maybe it’s just because it’s Manson, but many people have been talking about this video. The video starts out with a two and a half minute sex scene with Manson and his younger girlfriend, Evan Rachel Wood. Then it takes the viewer into a frenzy of a car ride, then again leading to more sex - but this time they are drenched in blood. So of course if its Manson and sex - you know it’s going to cause some problems.

So the controversy surrounding this video has become whether or not the sex scene is real or fake. Conservatives are saying that it is to “real” to put in a music video, and is considered pornographic. Manson will not confirm whether or not the scenes are real.

YouTube has flagged the video, saying that you must be a member and 18 years or older in order to watch the video. Also, on Manson’s video it clearly says that you must be 16 years or older to proceed. Manson has taken the necessary precautions to ensure that the wrong people don’t watch the video.

So why should Manson’s video still be a problem? Whether or not he is a “sickly insane” man, doesn’t matter - Manson has the right to produce what he wants; it goes back to the argument “if you don’t like it don’t watch it.”

The public has the right to watch whatever they feel like, well to an extent. I will never understand why people have to cause so many problems with these kinds of ordeals. Why can’t people just ignore the “crude” things if they don’t like them. It has no effect on them once so ever. Let the people who like Manson enjoy the video without having it be taken off the air waves, or redone to fit a select groups needs.

After all these problems with the general public, it has been said that Interscope records is going to release a toned down version of the video. It has also been rumored that they will release the single but only for one week. This could go both ways; if it runs for just a week then more people will go out and buy it because it is risky, or it will hurt the singles sales.

Whatever happens, happens and by no means can I stop this. I just wish that the arguments about musician censorship should not be an issue. Musicians should be able to express themselves to an extent. There is nothing wrong that is going on in Mansons video, no sexual organs are shown, it’s nothing more that a viewer would see in an R-rated movie. Manson has done the needed legal jargon but yet he will always loose the battle of freedom of expression.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Indie vs. Pop at SunFest

SunFest just wrapped up its 25th year last weekend, boasting that 275,000 people crowded around its three music stages along the Intracostal in downtown West Palm Beach.

But for the few indie acts that played “Florida's largest music, art and waterfront festival” – SunFest’s own description – they might as well have played at a local bar. Astonishing acts like Augustana and Mat Kearney drew a mere 60 fans on Saturday afternoon, when hours later pop/rock band, the All American Rejects poured in thousands of people for their show.

This applied for Friday night as well, pop/rock act Daughtry drew thousands who endured sardine-like conditions and cheered even though they were so far away, they couldn’t see a thing. While playing directly after Daughtry was blues-rocker Jonny Lang, who endured a crowd of less then 200 people – where did they all go? The night was still young. In the blues world Lang has far surpassed the recognition that Daughtry has gotten, but yet fans will line up for hours to catch a glimpse of their beloved Ex-Idol.

SunFest needs to find that fine line between promoting overly promoting the pop world and not promoting the indie world at all. The general public is simply missing out on some breathtaking performances, because they don’t know any better. When someone looks in the pamphlet at SunFest all they see is a name, a name that means nothing to them.

This will be SunFest test for upcoming years - getting people to attend their indie shows.

For photos of the event check out my SunFest Photogallery

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Sure Hits at SunFest

SunFest has officially started - musically that is a great thing! The line up this year has got something for everyone’s taste. Many of the acts are top 40 hit makers, while others were way before out time (and the majority has probably never heard of them before), but they were still amazing. Whether it’s checking out the old or embracing the new, you’ll be sure to be entertained for at least one of the nights.

Preview: Seeing the best for your buck at SunFest.

Thursday, May 3

It may be a short and an uneventful day at SunFest - but on the other hand, if you’re into Rap music, this one of the two days that will intrigue you. If you want to get to SunFest early Brooke Hogan will be playing at 6:45, nothing special maybe you’ve heard “Everything to Me”, but if you haven’t it couldn’t hurt to check her out. You never know you could catch Hulk Hogan if he decides to show up.

Here’s the dilemma: George Thorogood and Ludacris are playing almost at the same time. There is a need to definitely check out Thorogood (Yes you know him, he sang ”Bad to the Bone,”) so stop by and watch him at 8:30pm before dashing to see Ludacris at 8:45. While he may not be for the older crowd he is surely intended for our generation. Whether you’re into rap or not his show will entertain. For not being a huge fan of Rap music, I still have heard his songs (“Roll Out,” “Move Bitch” and “Money “Maker”) and will definitely check him out. If you haven’t bought seating tickets then you might be out of luck and only get to see a glimpse of him (maybe if your lucky looking at bigger image on a screen.)

Friday, May 4

There isn’t that much going on Friday either. At 7:30 pm, American Idol fans can lay their eyes on once again on Chris Daughtry, with his band, Daughtry. As if that wasn’t good enough, a well kept secret from the pop world, playing after Daughtry at 9:15 is Johnny Lang. He has had numerous hits in the blues-rock world and is now stepping into this spiritual pop world. Of all the people at SunFest, Lang would be the number one person to check out.

Saturday, May 5

Of all the days this is the most packed day (musically) at SunFest. Two people that you’ve probably never heard of will be starting the day off. Older people will be going to see Todd Rundren while the same time Mat Kerney will be playing, so check Rundgren out for half the set, then check out Kerney for the rest. If you want new go for Kerney, if not check out the hits of Rundren.
Another oldie/young-ie time battle is at 4:30. Stephan Stills will be playing the same time as Indie band Augustana. Again you will have to choose, or be like me going for set to set.
The final battle between old and young is All American Rejects (AAR) and Delbert McClinton. Believe me I know, All American Rejects are good and will be packed with fans. So, here’s the best answer to this problem. If you feel like listening to something more then bad breakup songs, listen to McClinton. Plus, if you don’t have seats for AAR, you won’t be able to see, it’s a win-win situation. Thank Goodness for Delbert McClinton and the fact I bought my seats for AAR early so I can see both acts.

Sunday, May 6

At least it can be a late night on Sunday after the long sunny day, Saturday. It’s country night at SunFest! “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy” singers Big & Rich will end SunFest with a bang. Yet again, if country isn’t your thing check out Huey Lewis and the News, they may be old but they can sure rock, with hits such as “The Heart of Rock and Roll” and “Stuck With You.”

Whether its old school or new, there is some great person playing at some time at SunFest. If all else fails and you hate these acts you can always go and look at art or drink. I’d go with the music since the art and drinks aren’t going anywhere, they will still be there before and after the shows.

Monday, April 23, 2007

My Chemial Romance's Anti-Violence Prevails

Rock band My Chemical Romance played the Bank Atlantic Center Sunday night. The New Jersey quintet has become a mainstream act over the past two years, but one thing is for sure, they have not sold their souls to get where they are.

My Chemical Romance proves to be influential and constant at their shows. They always value and support every person’s life and well being. At every performance the band has played, lead singer Gerard Way, gives a speech telling fans that every persons life is worth living.

At the most recent My Chemical Romance show, there were counselors that could help people who just needed to speak to someone. At most of their concerts, there are mosh pits and almost always people getting hurt due to crowd surfing. Way continues his speech by saying “if someone falls pick them up!” This has been a motto of the bands for a while.

Most people have given Rap and Rock music a bad name. The American culture believes that music is influential to its listeners; that’s why there are parental advisory stickers on CD’s. Many researchers have worked on this problem, but it seems like officials can’t really solve the problem. It seems that now the artists have to enforce a non-violent lifestyle.

It’s like a vicious circle. One band like My Chemical Romance promotes non-violence and on the flip side there will always be another performer promoting that violence. Hopefully this cycle will end soon.

It’s shocking that it has come to artists promoting the well being of their fans. Shouldn’t the government be working on that? The American culture should be making more leeway, and they aren’t.

Monday, April 16, 2007

SunFest is it really worth it?

It is that time of year again, when downtown West Palm Beach is filled to its capacity with screaming children running rampant and drunk adults resting in a floating bar. Yes, it is time for SunFest.

This year is SunFest’s 25th annual Music, Art and Waterfront Festival, which is normally held the first weekend of every May. The festival includes concerts, art vendors, bars, children’s activities, a parade, fireworks and much more. But every year the same issues come up: Where are we going to park? How early do we have to get to the stages to see a certain performer? Will it rain? But, the most important question being, is it really worth it to attend?

For the most part, parking is always a challenge. SunFest has stated on their website that there are over 11,000 parking spaces. Here’s the catch, in order to park remotely close to the event you must dish out anywhere from $10-$30 just to park your car. If you feel like walking (you know, to save money), you must find a parking spot, probably a mile or two from any of entry gates. Then walk to a place where there is a shuttle, wait for the shuttle (for who knows how long), then arrive at the overly crowded gate just to wait in a line to purchase a ticket.

Speaking of tickets, you can buy tickets in advance, which is probably the best idea. One, because it is cheaper and second, because you wont have to wait in a line when you arrive to the event. The tickets don’t come cheap, either. Just to set foot into the event it costs $23 (which, by the way, is non refundable…even in the event that it rains). If you would like to attend all four days, you get a break and the ticket only costs $45. Four days of SunFest, that’s one bad sunburn and hangover.

If you plan on seeing one of the main acts on stage, it’s not that easy. SunFest has come up with the idea of charging its guests more money to let them sit in a chair. For every main act on the WaMu stage, you must spend an additional $9-$15 to have a seat and to be able to see the artists performing.

One of the main acts on this stage will be popular rapper Ludacris. The Palm Beach Post noted that SunFest promises that Ludacris will keep his music clean. The Post continues to add that this could have been brought on by Don Imus and all of the ranting going on about racist antics.

This may be a family event after all, but people have a choice to see certain performers. One of the main reasons why people attend SunFest is because of the concerts. People are going to attend knowing what bands are playing and wanting to see a great show by that artist - not an edited show, that is controlling someone’s freedom of speech. If someone plans to see Ludacris, then they want to hear his songs the way they were made, not a clean version. Why ask an artist to play at this event if they will have to bleep and cut parts out of every song?

Not to mention the most prevalent part of the event, there will be over 160 artists lounging in the hot sun, enticing people to take a peak at their work. There are also tours available for those interested. In the past couple of years that I attended SunFest I’ve noticed that people just walk by the art, they never really stop and look. Maybe people never caught on to the fact it is a Music, Art and Waterfront festival: Keyword: art.

Let’s recap.

For this event you have to spend a lot of money, walk long distances, and once you are there, see musical artists who have to be censored.

However, this is an event that over 275,00 people attend annually.

There are ways of saving a few bucks on tickets. Save $5 if you pick up a coupon at the participating locations below.

May 5th- Tropical Smoothie
May 6th- Pollo Tropical

Here’s a list of the main acts performing on the WaMu stage this year:

Thursday, May 3
Ludacris (Hip Hop) 5:30 p.m.
George Thorogood (Classic Rock/Blues)

Friday, May 4
Sean Paul (Reggae/Hip Hop/Pop)
Jonny Lang (Blues/Rock)
Daughty (Alternative Rock)

Saturday, May 5
Augustana (Rock)
Mat Kearny (Pop)
Ne-Yo (Hip Hop/R&B/Soul)
Stephen Stills (Rock)
Delbert McClinton(Americana Country/Rock)
Todd Rundgren (Classic Rock)

Sunday, May 6
Cowboy Troy and Big & Rich (Country)
Huey Lewis and the News (Pop Rock)
Fire Works at 9pm

For complete list of entertainers visit, http://www.sunfest.com